YT Dove Hunts
Frequenty Asked Questions...
When is dove season?
- We have a North zone season, September 1st through October 31st.
What is the daily limit for Mourning Dove in Texas?
- Fifteen birds per day.
What time of day is best for hunting?
- The best time to hunt is morning or evening. We typically go out in the evening around 5 PM.
Are your hunts guided?
- Yes, all of our hunts include a guide.
Can we bring dogs?
- Yes, hunting dogs are welcome.
Do we need to book early?
- Yes! Our season fills up very early in the year.
Regarding hunting courtesy. It is expected that shooters keep their empty shells picked up during the shoot. When a bird is downed, stop shooting and pick up your bird...then resume shooting. Make sure pump and automatic shotguns have a plug restricting them to 3 loaded shells...this is Federal law. No alcohol is permitted on the YT Ranch.
YT Ranch Dove Hunts
P.O. Box 665
Andrews TX 79714
(432) 664-9880